Join us for worship Sundays at 10:15am

Sharing life’s journey by building relationships with Jesus and each other

The Perennials Winter Gathering

Tuesday, February 4 | 11:00am – 1:00pm | St. Paul’s UCC Seniors 55+ join us for a visit from Julia Child through Linda Kenyon’s one-woman show (you may remember her as Eleanor Roosevelt during our last winter gathering). A soup lunch and finger desserts will be provided. Free will offering. RSVP in the Narthex or […]

Confirmands Help Out!

Earlier this month, St. Paul’s 2025 Confirmation Class, mentors, and Pastor Trudy completed an assignment on-site at Pennridge FISH and participated in a mission project of packing Christmas food bags for the FISH clients. Thank you, Simon and Jaxon, for serving our community in this way!  


On Sunday, December 15th a group from St. Paul’s headed out to share the Christmas spirit!  Our first two stops were at the Lutheran Community at Telford and the Community at Rockhill where we were delighted to have former choir members join in the singing.  From there we paid visits to other beloved church members.  […]

Middle & High School Sunday School

Jeremiah Link, Christian Education Director, is facilitating a Sunday school class for middle and high schoolers each week at 9:00am in the library. Questions? Email Jeremiah at

The Perennails – Summer Gathering

We’re taking The Perennials on the road for our summer gathering. Join our group for seniors age 55+ on Wednesday, August 21 at the Perkasie Carousel at Menlo Park at noon. There will be a historical presentation and a ride on the carousel. Bring a bagged lunch – beverages and desserts are provided. RSVP here.

Perkasie Park Worship & Picnic

Sunday, August 11 is our annual worship service and potluck lunch at Perkasie Park. Please note the 10:30am service time. Bring a dish to share and place settings for your family. We look forward to being together! 200 S. 9th St. Perkasie, PA 18944

Christmas in July Movie Night

Join us for a fun and festive night together watching The Grinch (2018). Let us know you’re coming by sending an email to Jeremiah ( Saturday, July 27 | 6:00pm

Old Testament Overview Class

Have you ever wondered why the symbols for apps on a screen are called icons? Or why church goers casually throw out phrases like “washed/covered in the blood”? Join us as we follow the timeline of the Old Testament from beginning to end – stopping to consider these and many more themes and questions. All […]

Summer Worship begins June 16

From June 16 through August 25, St. Paul’s will meet for worship at 9:00am in the sanctuary. New this summer – Kingdom Kids will continue to meet. Contact Brianna with any questions: