St. Paul’s during World War I
While the war was raging in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson assured the American citizens that they will not be drawn into this European conflict! German immigrants all across the country were facing persecution for Germany’s involvement in the war. Pastors were being called away from their churches to serve as Army Chaplains in the battle zones, leaving a shortage of Pastors here at home. Needless to say, this was an unsettling time.
“At the beginning of the war in 1914 there was talk of a religious revival in the various countries. The churches for a time were filled. The opening of the war drove men to God.”
~ “With our Soldiers in France” by Sherwood Eddy (1917) ~
On March 9, 1913, Reverend James A. Boehm began his pastorate.
On April 1, 1913 , Rev. Kosman left. Note the slight pastoral overlap during March. In this period, German speaking services were abolished.
On February 11, 1917, Rev. Boehm resigned.
On July 15, 1917 Reverend Robert A. Bausch began his pastorate and remained as the pastor at St. Paul’s for the next six and a half years.
Shortly after Armistice Day (November 11, 1918), this commemorative group photo was taken of Reverend Robert A. Bausch with his congregation.

If you look near the center, you will notice the “Dough Boys” in uniform standing around the doorway with Reverend Robert A. Bausch (the reverend is the one wearing the parson’s hat!).
If you look near the far right, you will see a shiny new 1917 series model “T” Ford!
If you look near the far left, you can see the parsonage next to the church as it looked in 1918. The parsonage was built just 14 years earlier in 1904.